Clinical dermatology, cosmetic and surgical
Dr. Adrián Ogrodniczuk


Prurigo (itching) in systemic diseases (which originated outside the skin)

Publication date: 14/01/2013

The itching is defined as a sensation, not pleasant that induces the desire to scratch. Sometimes this is the only reason for consultation; the origin of pruritus can be skin or systemic; the latter, which is usually chronic and difficult to diagnose, affects an important difference to the quality of life of patients. here are origin festering sores of renal, hepatic, associated with enf. thyroid, diabetes, and iron deficiency, malignancy, infectious, neurological, induced by famacos, autoimmun

here are origin festering sores of renal, hepatic, associated with enf. thyroid, diabetes, and iron deficiency, malignancy, infectious, neurological, induced by famacos, autoimmune, infectious and senile. Pruritus is a common symptom that can alter the quality of life of patients. Not the itching associated with skin disorders or specific dermal changes may indicate the existence of a systemic disease
The diagnostic approach in patients with chronic itching of origin not dermatological can be complex, so that his study must be multidisciplinary. The new studies on the mechanisms that induce chronic itching have revealed the existence of a large amount of chemical mediators pruritogenicos, so that the treatment requires combination of medications for long periods.
Definitely, the most important thing to have a good therapeutic results is to find the underlying disease that causes the itching.
José Alfredo Soto Ortiz, Myrian Johanna Brito Luna, Elizabeth Guevara Gutiérrez. Dermatol Rev Mex 2012;56(4):246-257